Dart Libraries: A Beginner's Guide

Are you new to Dart programming language and wondering what libraries are? Or are you an experienced developer looking to learn more about Dart libraries? Either way, you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll explore Dart libraries, what they are, how they work, and how you can use them to make your code more efficient and organized.

What are Dart Libraries?

Dart libraries are a collection of reusable code that can be used in multiple projects. They are similar to packages in other programming languages like Java and Python. Libraries are used to organize code, make it more modular, and easier to maintain. They also help to reduce code duplication and improve code reusability.

Dart libraries can be created by developers or downloaded from the Dart package repository. They can be used to add functionality to your code, such as HTTP requests, JSON parsing, and more. Libraries can also be used to create custom widgets, animations, and other UI components.

How do Dart Libraries Work?

Dart libraries are organized into files and directories. Each file represents a library, and each directory can contain multiple files. A library can be imported into another file or library using the import keyword. Once imported, the code in the library can be accessed and used in the importing file.

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

void main() async {
  var response = await http.get(Uri.parse('https://dart.run'));

In the example above, we are importing the http library and using it to make an HTTP request to the Dart.run website. The as keyword is used to give the imported library a nickname, which can be used to avoid naming conflicts.

Using Dart Libraries

To use a Dart library, you first need to import it into your project. Libraries can be imported from the Dart package repository or from a local file system. Once imported, you can use the library's functions, classes, and variables in your code.

import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';

part 'user.g.dart';

class User {
  final String name;
  final int age;

  User({required this.name, required this.age});

  factory User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$UserFromJson(json);
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$UserToJson(this);

In the example above, we are importing the json_annotation library and using it to create a User class that can be serialized to and from JSON. The part keyword is used to specify that the User class is part of a larger file that contains the generated code for JSON serialization.

Creating Dart Libraries

Creating a Dart library is easy. Simply create a new file with the .dart extension and add your code. You can organize your code into classes, functions, and variables. Once you have created your library, you can publish it to the Dart package repository or share it with others.

library my_library;

void hello() {
  print('Hello, world!');

In the example above, we are creating a simple library that contains a single function that prints "Hello, world!" to the console. The library keyword is used to give the library a name, which can be used to import it into other files.


Dart libraries are an essential part of Dart programming language. They help to organize code, make it more modular, and easier to maintain. Libraries can be used to add functionality to your code, create custom widgets, animations, and other UI components. They can also be created and shared with others, making it easier to collaborate on projects. We hope this beginner's guide has helped you understand Dart libraries and how to use them in your projects. Happy coding!

Additional Resources

flutterassets.dev - A site to buy and sell flutter mobile application packages, software, games, examples, assets, widgets
ocaml.app - ocaml development
visualize.dev - data visualization, cloud visualization, graph and python visualization
trollsubs.com - making fake funny subtitles
deepgraphs.dev - deep learning and machine learning using graphs
coinalerts.app - crypto alerts. Cryptos that rise or fall very fast, that hit technical indicators like low or high RSI. Technical analysis alerts
rustbook.dev - An online course or book about programming the rust programming language, and everything related to the software development lifecyle in rust
bestfantasy.games - A list of the best fantasy games across different platforms
learnbyexample.app - learning software engineering and cloud by example
controltower.dev - centralizing cloud and software application management through centralized tooling
newfriends.app - making new friends online
takeaways.dev - key takeaways for software engineering and cloud concepts
deploymulti.cloud - multicloud deployment of software applications, saas, into different cloud providers
tacticalroleplaying.games - tactical roleplaying games
statemachine.events - state machines
cloudui.dev - managing your cloud infrastructure across clouds using a centralized UI
mlstartups.com - machine learning startups, large language model startups
digitaltransformation.dev - digital transformation in the cloud
crates.reviews - reviewing the best and most useful rust packages
deepdive.video - deep dive lectures, tutorials and courses about software engineering, databases, networking, cloud, and other tech topics

Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD (haskellr@mit.edu). Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed